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Inspirational Stories


mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL)

On August 18, 2021, after months of complaining about severe knee pain, I was diagnosed with mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL). I was 16 at the time of my diagnosis and was supposed to be starting my junior year of high school that same day. (It was the first time everyone went back to school since COVID). The diagnosis was unexpected, and I started treatment right away at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Since COVID was still around, I was unable to see anybody other than my parents. It was a very scary, lonely time. A few weeks into treatment, I had an allergic reaction to one of the chemotherapies. This reaction caused me to have a stroke and a seizure on the same day. After I recovered from both of those, I had lost all my strength and could no longer walk, let alone sit myself up in bed. I then had to go to physical rehab to get my strength back and relearn how to walk. It was a long 2.5 years of treatment and terrible side effects (pancreatitis, liver failure, blood clots, and more), but I am happy to say I finally rang the bell this past December!!

While I was in treatment, my friend who was a part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Greater LA, recommended that I might be a good Honored Hero candidate. I was so happy to join LLS as their 2023 Honored Hero. Ever since then, I have been lucky enough to still be working with LLS. This past season, I spoke at the grand finale which was such an honor. I hope to continue spreading awareness and sharing my story to inspire others.

Blonde teen girl with leukemia in blue and white medical gown pulling down a face mask