Inspirational Stories
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
In September 2017, our world crashed when I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Over the next several years, I experienced numerous chemotherapy sessions, radiation treatments, a stem cell transplant, many side effects, infections, and another cancer. There were moments when I felt near death. Despite these difficulties, our Christian faith was a source of strength and hope throughout this journey. We decided to write a book about our faith journey through leukemia. This book, This Is My Cup, was inspired by my wife Pam and is a personal account of our journey ― mine as the patient and Pam’s as the caregiver. The book is informative and filled with valuable resources for anyone interested in learning more about leukemia and caregiving. Each chapter is chronologically written to reflect the progress of our journey. We refer to scripture and reflections on God’s presence during this time. It is a reminder that there is always hope, even in the darkest moments.