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Customer Support: Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you:

  • Need a donation receipt?  Please complete this form.
  • Need to complete a matching gift request?  Please fill out this form.
  • Need to transfer your donation?  Complete this form.
  • Want to unsubscribe from future LLS solicitations.  Enter your information here
  • Didn't find what you need, click one of the topics below for more information or reach out to our Customer Support team.

Patient Support:

If you’re trying to reach our Information Resource Center for questions about a diagnosis, patient services, caregiver support, treatment, etc, please call (800) 955-4572 (Monday through Friday, 9pm to 9pm ET) or go here and click on the Chat option at the bottom of the screen

If you’re trying to reach our Financial Assistance team, please call (877) 557-2672 or send an email to


Donor Support:

  • To make a donation online, please go here.
  • To make a local donation via check, find your local region address here.
  • If you’d prefer to mail your donation via check to our national office, please mail it to: LLS Donor Services, PO Box 22324, New York, NY 10087
  • If you’d like to give a donation of cryptocurrency, please go here.
  • If you’d like to give a donation through your Donor Advised Fund, please go here.
  • If you’d like to donate stock to LLS, please go here for information and then make sure to use the form on that page to notify us.
  • Want to include LLS in your will or make LLS a designated beneficiary?  Click here to see those and other options.  You can also reach our Planned Giving team at 833-557-4488 or
  • If you have questions about making a donation, you can email us at
  • If you’d like to make a donation over the phone, please call us at 888-557-7177 (Monday through Friday, 9am-4:30pm ET)
  • Our tax ID is 13-5644916
  • Click here to go to our Financials page, where you can see our Annual Report and other documents:

If you change your mind about contributing to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), we are happy to honor your decision as long as you request a refund within 30 days of the date on which you made the contribution.

To request a refund, you can either call 1-888-LLS-7177 to talk to a customer service representative or e-mail

Approved refunds will be issued as a credit to the credit card used for the original contribution.

If you are contributing to a fundraiser you can actually send the check directly to them.  However, for your tax purposes, please make the check out to "Leukemia & Lymphoma Society".  Sending it to the participant/fundraiser allows for them to turn it in and ensures they receive the credit for the donation.

If your donation is a general donation or memorial, you can print and complete this form and send your donation to:

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
PO Box 22324
New York, NY 10087

The most common reason why a donation is declined is due to the CVV code or billing zip code.

If this information does not match what your credit card has on file for you, the donation will decline on our end. This security is intended to prevent someone from fraudulently using your credit card. However, even though we decline it, the bank approves the transaction and makes it a pending debit from your account, so it's possible to see the declined donation as a pending charge on your card. We never pick up the money and the transaction drops off in 7-10 days.

You can go ahead and re-submit your donation, and rest assured that you will not be double charged.

When making a donation to LLS donors can enter their company name on the donation form under “See if your employer will match your donation!” The donor receipt provides instructions on how the donor submits a match request with their employer. Please note, entering the company name onto the LLS donation form does not initiate a match. Should the donor not indicate their employer on the donation form they can still reach out to their company to request a matching gift.

LLS donors or fundraisers can submit this form to expedite the process after a match is submitted through the donors company. 

Have a donation question that isn’t covered here?
Email us at
Call us at 888-557-7177 (Monday through Friday, 9am-4:30pm ET)


Fundraiser Webpage Support:

Account Questions:

You can change your username and password by clicking on the downward arrow next to your profile picture and choosing ‘My Profile’ > “Manage Password”.  Once you have made the desired changes click “Save”.

At the sign-in screen, click on the “Forgot Password” link and enter the email address that you used for your registration. An email will be sent that provides steps for resetting your sign-in information.  If you registered using Google+, please note that you cannot reset your password, this must be done through our system, please reach out to our support team.

Shown at the top of the screen is the name of the event for which data is being displayed on all screens and tabs.  That event name is there no matter which tab you click on and where you are on the site.

To see the information for a different event click on “Switch Event”.  A list of current and prior events that you’ve participated in is shown.  Click on one of the events and all the site information is changed to that event.

You can change your address, phone number or email address by clicking on the downward arrow next to your profile picture and choosing “My Profile”> “My Profile”.  You can also add alternate address, phone or email addresses and choose which one is primary.  Once you have made the desired changes click “Save”.

You can add or change your profile picture by clicking on the downward arrow next to your profile picture and choosing “My Profile”.  Then choose “My Profile”.  Under “Profile Picture” click “Change Image”.  You can either choose from your Image Gallery an image that you previously uploaded or upload a new image.

This only applies to Team In Training participants.  Emergency Information is required in case you get hurt while training or participating at the event.

Managing My Donations:

If you are using a desktop or laptop you can accept credit card donations.  If you are using a mobile device with a camera you can accept credit card and check donations.

You can either click “Accept Donation” on the Home page or click “My Donations” from the left side menu and click “Accept Donation” on either the Donations or Promises tab.

On a desktop/laptop “Accept Donation” opens your fundraising page for the event being viewed where you can enter the online donation on behalf of your donor.

On a mobile device “Accept Donation” opens screens similar to the ones shown below where you can either use the device’s camera to take a picture of the check or enter credit card information.  Click “Process Donation” to submit the donation after all the information has been entered.

Clicking on the plus sign in the rightmost column will show additional details.

Offline donations are donations not made via credit card on your fundraising page and donations not submitted via this app. They usually are in the form of checks or cash that you submit.

How long does it take for a new donation to show up on the Donation List?

If it is an online donation or a donation processed via this app, it takes up to 30 minutes. If it`s an offline donation, it can take from 2 to 3 weeks to be received and processed before the funds are actually posted so that it displays on your donations list and is reflected in your fundraising total.

If I’m registered for multiple events, how do I see the donation information for each event?

Click “Switch Event” (at the top next to your current event name) and choose the event from the list. Everything else on the site will change to match the event chosen.

You can export the contents of your donation list by clicking on “Export” button at the top right of your donation list.  You can export as an Excel file or as a Comma-Separate-Value (CSV) file.

It`s possible that some offline donations have not yet been received or processed. Check with your local chapter staff person for specific questions on this.

Check donations can be voided for numerous reasons: the image of the check was not clear, part of the image of the check was cut off or that particular check was already deposited via a mobile device.  To find out exactly why a donation was voided, please reach out to Customer Support at 1-888-557-7177 or

The mobile app processing has a number of checkpoints that checks pass through.  If a check is submitted more than once, it will be flagged by the system, which will automatically delete all but one. The donors will not be charged twice, nor will they know that you deposited the check more than once. The check will be submitted to the bank only once and the duplicate should come off of your fundraising page within a few days.

The mobile app processing has a number of checkpoints that checks pass through. If a check is submitted for the wrong amount, that will be flagged by the system for correction. The check will be submitted to the bank at the correct amount and should adjust on your fundraising page within a few days.

  • The photo of the front and back of the check must be taken in landscape mode, not portrait.
  • The photo of the front and back of the check must be taken in good light so the check is legible in the photo.
  • The photo must be taken on a blank, dark surface like a table or blank piece of paper.  Anything behind the check may interfere with the upload.
  • Ensure the photos of both front and back of the check are not blurry.
  • The endorsement of the check must be in dark pen and able to be viewed in the photo. If it is too light it will not be legible and will not upload.
  • There must be no writing line through the numbers on the bottom of the check.
  • The check must be in US dollars.
  • There must be no creases, bends or folds in the check.

Editing Page:

Donor names do not move from page to page when you transfer events or register for a new event. If you transferred, then the funds will be moved in a lump sum to the new page so that you get credit for those donations. If you would like the donor names to appear on your new page, you can enter them in a post or in News Feed on the new fundraising page.

Yes, clicking on any column heading will sort the list by that data.  Clicking the same column header again reverses the sort order. Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

Yes, click the gear icon above the list and choose the columns you do not want displayed. Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

“My Donations” Total Raised includes:

  • Donations made online on your personal fundraising page
  • Offline donations applied to you as a participant
  • Matching Gift promises for donations made to you (depending on campaign)
  • Sponsorship promises (depending on campaign)
  • Credits you received from dropping out of a prior event (depending on campaign)
  • Funds that were transferred to you
  • If you are a member of a team it may also include your allocation of donations and promises made to your team.  It depends on campaign and the allocation strategy for your team.

If you have further questions on the amount you see contact us for assistance.

That is the amount of money you are working toward raising.  Also shown is your progress toward reaching that goal.  This is your personal goal.  If you are a member of a team your team will also have a goal displayed on the “My Team” tab.  Please note that not all campaigns support personal goals.

Based on our experience with prior participants a default fundraising goal is established for each event and that goal is temporarily assigned to each participant until they set their own goal.  For Team In Training the default goal is equal to your commitment (or fundraising minimum) determined at registration.  Please note that not all campaigns support personal goals.

Yes, you can change your goal by clicking on “Edit Goal”.  Enter the new goal amount and click Save.  Your goal amount cannot be lower than the amount that you have already raised.  Please note that not all campaigns support personal goals.

The terms “Commitment” and “Fundraising Minimum” apply only to Team In Training.  Your Goal and your Commitment can be the same or your Goal can be higher than your Commitment.  Your Commitment was determined when you registered.  Your Goal can not be lower than your Commitment, but it can be higher.  Please note that not all campaigns support personal goals.

That leaderboard shows your standing among all the participants at your event.  If it says “69 of 149” that means that there are 149 participants registered for this event and that 68 of them have raised more money than you and 80 have raised less.  It includes all participants at the event whether they are part of a team or not.  This is not your standing within your team.  This is not your team’s standing compared to other teams at the event, which is displayed on My Team.  Clicking on “View Leaderboards” will bring up your event’s landing page in a new browser tab where you can see all the leaderboards for the event.  Please note that not all campaigns support leaderboards.

Upon registering you are provided a fundraising page with default content provided by your campaign.  Your fundraising page will likely inspire more donations if you personalize it so that it tells your story. 

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage Posts”.  The default fundraising page will appear in your list of posts with the title “My Fundraising Page”.  (If you have not created any other posts, it will be the only item in the list.) 

Click “Edit” under the “Manage” column and a screen similar to the one below opens where you can edit the text, add/remove images, add links to websites and videos.  See the additional Help topics for info on adding images, videos and links.

You can click “Save as Draft” if you want to save your changes, but are not yet ready to show them to the public on your fundraising page.

Once you are ready to show your changes to the public on your fundraising page click “Publish”.

Click “Preview” to see what your fundraising page looks like to the public.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage Posts”.  Your fundraising page will appear in your list of posts with the title “My Fundraising Page”.  

Click “Edit” under the “Manage” column and a screen similar to the one below opens.

Click on “Open Image Explorer”.  You can either choose from your Image Gallery an image that you previously uploaded or upload a new image.  Click “Insert” at the bottom to add the image to the page.

You can click “Save as Draft” if you want to save your changes, but are not yet ready to show them to the public on your fundraising page.

Once you are ready to show your changes to the public on your fundraising page click “Publish”.

Click “Preview” to see what your fundraising page looks like to the public.

You can add a link to a video.  Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage Posts”.  Your fundraising page will appear in your list of posts with the title “My Fundraising Page”.  

Click “Edit” under the “Manage” column and a screen similar to the one below opens.

Click “Video Embedded”.  Enter the URL for your video and click “OK”.

You can click “Save as Draft” if you want to save your changes, but are not yet ready to show them to the public on your fundraising page.

Once you are ready to show your changes to the public on your fundraising page click “Publish”.

Click “Preview” to see what your fundraising page looks like to the public.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage Posts”.  Your fundraising page will appear in your list of posts with the title “My Fundraising Page”.  

Click “Edit” under the “Manage” column and a screen similar to the one below opens.

Click “Link”.  Enter the URL for the web site to which you want to link and click “OK”.

You can click “Save as Draft” if you want to save your changes, but are not yet ready to show them to the public on your fundraising page.

Once you are ready to show your changes to the public on your fundraising page click “Publish”.

Click “Preview” to see what your fundraising page looks like to the public.

There are 2 ways you can add posts to your page:

1) Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage Posts”.  Click “Create Post”.

Enter a Page Title.   Optionally enter a Page URL.  Enter the text of your update.  You can add images, links to videos and links to other web sites.  See the additional Help topics for info on adding images, videos and links to your Fundraising page.  The same actions can be done on any post as can be done on “My Fundraising Page”.

You can click “Save as Draft” if you want to save your changes, but are not yet ready to show them to the public on your fundraising page.

Once you are ready to show your changes to the public on your fundraising page click “Publish”.

Click “Preview” to see what your fundraising page looks like to the public.

2)  On “Home” enter a title for your update in the text box on the right under “Post to My Page”.  A 2nd text box will appear for you to enter your update. Click “Post”.  Your update will appear on your fundraising page visible to the public.  It will also be added to your list of posts shown under “Manage Posts”.  This method is streamlined compared to the “Create Post” method discussed above and is ideal for adding a quick update from your mobile device.

“News Feed” applies only to MWOY participants.  To include a News Feed on your fundraising page click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  About halfway down the page there’s a “News Feed” switch.  Choose “Show” and click “Save Changes” on the bottom right.   

To add an item to your News Feed click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Manage News Feed”.

You can add text, images and/or links the same way you can for Posts.  See the additional Help topics for info on adding images, videos and links to your Fundraising page.  Click “Save” when you are done.

To add additional material use “Manage New Feed” and edit the existing item placing the new material above or below what’s already there.  There is one continuous News Feed item rather than discrete Posts.  Consider including date and time on your entries.  Click “Save”.

There is no “Save as Draft” for News Feed.  Once you click “Save” the entire News Feed on your public fundraising page is replaced with the contents of the item shown under “Manage News Feed”.

Yes. Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  Fill in the “Page URL” field.  Click “Save Changes” at the bottom right.

There are 2 possible methods:

  • When you are on your fundraiser page, copy the URL from the address bar at the top of your browser window.  Depending on your browser this may be as easy as right-clicking and choosing “copy” from the menu.
  • Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  Your URL is shown under the “Page URL” field.  You can highlight the URL and use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  About halfway down the page there’s a “Comments” switch.  Click “off”.  Your change will be automatically saved.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  About halfway down the page there’s a “Fundraising Goal” switch.  For Team In Training events there are 3 choices for other events there are only 2 choices.  For Team In Training, choose “Minimum” and click “Save changes” on the bottom right and your page will display your fundraising minimum and progress toward that amount instead of showing your goal and progress toward that goal.  Please note that for MWOY and SoY this will be set to “Hide” and cannot be changed.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.   About halfway down the page there’s a “Contributors” switch.  Click “List”.  Your change will be automatically saved.  Please note that for MWOY and SoY this will be set to “List” and cannot be changed.  For MWOY and SoY the donor names are shown, but not the donation amounts.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  Fill in the “Page Title” field.  Click “Save Changes” on the bottom right.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”My Page” on the left-side menu and then “Page Options”.  In the “Participation” switch choosing either “In Honor” or “In Memory” opens a text box where you can enter the names.

Sending Emails:

Click “Email Center” and then “Templates” on the left-side menu.  Click on the “Donation Request” template. Note that not all campaigns support all types of templates.

Use the “Copy Subject” and “Copy Message” buttons to copy text to your personal email app (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.).  Customize the text as needed and send.

Click “Email Center” and then “Templates” on the left-side menu.  Click on the “Thank You” template.  Note that not all campaigns support all types of templates.

Use the “Copy Subject” and “Copy Message” buttons to copy text to your personal email app (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.).  Customize the text as needed and send.

Click “Email Center” and then “Templates” on the left-side menu.  Click on the “Team Invitation” template.  Note that not all campaigns support all types of templates.

Use the “Copy Subject” and “Copy Message” buttons to copy text to your personal email app (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.).  Customize the text as needed and send.

Click “Email Center” on the left-side menu to get to the email templates, one of which is “Team Captain Message”.  Note that not all campaigns support all types of templates.

Use the “Copy Subject” and “Copy Message” buttons to copy text to your personal email app (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.).  Customize the text as needed and send.

Team Questions:

Only people that are participating as part of a team will have a “My Team” tab.  Your friend is participating as an individual outside of any team and as such will not have a “My Team” tab.

Click “My Team” on the left side menu.  Choose “Edit Team Name And Logo”.

You can either choose from your Image Gallery an image that you previously uploaded or upload a new image.


To change the name shown in the Fundraiser app for your team click “My Team” on the left side menu.  Choose “Edit Team Name And Logo”.

Edit the team name and click “Save”.

To change the name on the team’s fundraising page click “Fundraising Pages” and “Team Page”.  Choose “Page Options”.  Edit “How Your Name Appears” and click “Save”.

“My Team” total includes:

  • Donations made online on your team’s fundraising page
  • Offline donations applied to your team
  • Matching Gift promises for donations made to your team (depending on campaign)
  • Sponsorship promises made to your team (depending on campaign)
  • The sum of all donations made to the team members

If you have further questions on the amount you see contact us for assistance.

That is the amount of money your team is working toward raising.  Also shown is your team’s progress toward reaching that goal.  This is your team goal.  You will also have a personal goal displayed on the “My Donations” tab.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

Based on our experience with prior participants and teams and the anticipated size of your team (if provided by the team captain at team creation) a default team goal is established for each event and that goal is temporarily assigned to your team until your team captain sets your team’s goal.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

If you are a Team Captain you can change your goal by clicking on “Edit Goal”.  Enter the new goal amount and click Save.  Your goal amount cannot be lower than the amount that you have already raised.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”Team Page” on the left-side menu.  You’ll have the same options to customize the team’s page as for your personal page when you chose “My Page” instead of “Team Page’.  See the additional Help topics for info on adding images, videos and links to your Fundraising page.  Please note that not all campaigns support team fundraising pages.

First, make sure you have established a goal for your team.  Click “My Team” on the left-side menu, which brings up a page with info on your team.  Toward the top of that page your team’s goal is displayed.  Click “edit goal” if needed to set or change your team’s goal.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals and team fundraising pages.

Second, make sure to include the team’s goal on the team’s fundraising page.  Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”Team Page” on the left-side menu.  About halfway down the page there’s a “Fundraising Goal” switch.  Click “Show” to display the team’s goal on the page.

Matching Gifts, Sponsorships and Workplace Giving :

When you click “My Donations” in the left side menu, by default your Donations are shown.  To view your Promises click on “Promises” just above the Excel button.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.  Depending on which event is being viewed a Promises tab may not be present.

Matching Gifts:

A matching gift is a charitable donation by a corporation that matches an employee’s donation to an eligible nonprofit organization, most often dollar for dollar. Thousands of companies across the United States (and some companies internationally) offer matching gift programs to their employees as part of a corporate giving philanthropy. This means millions of individuals are eligible to participate in a matching gift program. In addition, 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer a matching gift program, and some companies even double, triple, or quadruple donations!

The main concept of matching gift programs is quite simple. A $100 donation to LLS may be eligible to be matched by a corporate employer, literally doubling the donation for a total of $200. Donors can confirm company eligibility and submission instructions here. The employer will validate that the original donation is eligible to be matched according to internal guidelines, and will send a donation of the same value (or higher, depending on the parameters of the program) to LLS.

You can search for a company’s matching gift information here. Simply type in the name of the company and choose the correct auto-fill suggestion. Details regarding the company’s matching gifts and volunteer programs (if applicable) will appear with specific instructions for submitting matching gift requests to that company. If a specific company does not appear, this does not necessarily mean that the company does not offer matching gifts. If you believe a company that offers matching gifts is missing, please email to suggest the addition.

After a donor submits a matching gift request, the company will contact LLS to confirm that the original donation was made. Once LLS verifies the request, the matching gift is considered promised and will appear in your Fundraising Tools within 24 hours. Matching gift promises count toward your fundraising total and can be viewed on the Promises tab of Fundraising Tools. Matching gift promises will also be included in the total on your fundraising webpage.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

There are many factors that influence the timing of when a matching gift promise will appear in your Fundraising Tools. After a donor submits a matching gift request, the company will contact LLS to confirm that the original donation was made. Once LLS verifies the request, the matching gift is considered promised and will appear in your Fundraising Tools within 24 hours. The normal length of time between submission and promise creation is 1 day to 2 weeks. If you believe a matching gift promise is missing, please email and include the donor and company names. Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

All matching gifts received are processed as new donations and can be viewed on the Donations tab of your Fundraising Tools and on your fundraising webpage. The new donation will replace the matching gift promise, if one exists. Please email with any questions pertaining to specific matching gifts.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

Matching gifts can only be applied to the event where the original transaction resides.

No, per IRS Guidelines the donations listed above are not eligible for matching gifts.

The National LLS Office:
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Mail Center
1201 15th Street N.W., Suite 410
Washington, D.C. 20005

If they don’t see the National Office listed, search by our EIN: 13-5644916.  All matching gifts checks should be sent to our National Office.


A sponsorship is an institution or person agreeing to provide funds in support of your or your team’s participation or candidacy in exchange for an activation opportunity and/or public recognition.  (Note: Exact recognition/activation opportunities are based on the level of giving).  For example, depending on level a sponsor may choose to have their logo appear on the sign that a MWOY candidate holds when they sign up to participate.  Or, in exchange for their donation your team will wear t-shirts with their logo at an LTN walk.  Or, they purchase an ad in the event program.

Sponsorship will appear on your Promises list.  They may appear first as promised and then later as received or they may appear as received from the start.  Whether promised or received, sponsorships count toward your fundraising total.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

A sponsorship promise will be created when an individual/institution selects to purchase a sponsorship opportunity online and anytime sponsorship funds are received and a promise was not created earlier.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

All sponsorships received are processed as new donations and can be viewed on the Donations tab of your Fundraising Tools and on your fundraising webpage. The new donation will update the sponsorship promise to show that it has been received.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.