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Looking Back at Lymphoma (23 Years Later!)

By Scott D. Hanel | May 02, 2016

Life is a journey and I can personally attest to the many obstacles, emotions, milestones and lessons learned that come with it.  

I found out the hard way that life isn’t fair and there are no guarantees. I am told by many that there is a plan. That plan is to lead by example and love my life, myself and everybody in it. Those that know me will tell you I have a contagious personality in that I am happy, loved and fulfilled. I am no longer affected by what others think of me. My plan is to inspire and to help others in their personal life challenges. “The glass is always half full.”

On October 15, 1992, my life was completely turned upside down when I was diagnosed with stage IV non-Hodgkin disease. Upon hearing that news, I realized that life just dealt me my cards. It didn’t matter how good my hand was, but how I played it. This resulted in an ever-evolving creation of a “new norm" that ended up providing many opportunities by giving me a whole new slate of choices and options.