Targeting Epigenetics in Myeloid Malignancies

Stephen Nimer
MDUniversity of Miami
Project Term: October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2027
The genetic mutations that underlie myeloid malignancies have been identified, and we and others have generated mouse models that have pinpointed the role that these genes and their mutations play in normal and malignant hematopoiesis. Our institutions have biospecimen banks with large numbers of MDS and AML samples, and active clinical trial portfolios, that have led to FDA approval of a variety of novel agents, including IDH1/2 inhibitors. The next step in delineating the pathogenesis and Achilles’ heel of these disorders is to better define the role of epigenetic abnormalities play in disease initiation and progression, and to define how targeting LSD1, the CoREST complex, PRMT5 and inflammation signals may advance current treatment strategies (e.g. VEN/AZA), and to enhance the activity of promising agents currently under investigation (menin inhibitors, etc.). Identifying the dependencies and vulnerabilities created by genetic or epigenetic abnormalities will allow us to more rationally advance the treatment of myeloid malignancies, a disease focus where headway is beginning to be made.
Defining the crosstalk between different epigenetic regulators, and how they affect cellular and extracellular processes other than histone proteins, may identify unique sensitivities that can increase the therapeutic index for novel, epigenetic-focused treatments, and identify potentially synthetic-lethal combination therapies. The individual projects in our Center, cover three key aspects of gene regulation and chromatin structure. Project 1 is focused on the LSD1 demethylase, which plays a role in myeloid differentiation, Project 2 is focused on the role of PRMT5 in regulating LSC self-renewal, proliferation and survival, and the expression of potential immunogens, and Project 3 is focused on the interaction between the BMME and the epigenome in mediating sensitivity to epigenetic agents in CMML and MDS. Thus, our center will span the continuum from basic mechanisms of disease initiation and progression, to clinical issues related to therapeutic sensitivity vs. resistance.
Ramin Shiekhattar first discovered that MAO inhibitor antidepressants such as tranylcypromine (TCP), can inhibit the LSD1 demethylase. This finding led to a recently published clinical trial of AZA + TCP in MDS and AML patients led by Justin Watts, and to a new clinical program, that will be continued at Sylvester and MSKCC. They will work with Phil Cole, who founded a biotech company in 2011 that is synthesizing novel epigenetic-focused therapies, to examine how targeting the CoREST complex can synergize with clinically available MDS/ AML cells differentiation- or apoptosis-inducing agents. Several lead compounds are now being tested in the Shiekhattar and Nimer labs.
Omar Abdel-Wahab and Stephen Nimer have discovered several oncogenic functions of PRMT5, an arginine methyltransferase targeted by several small molecule inhibitors that are now in clinical trials for MDS or AML patients at Sylvester and MSKCC. They will work with Luisa Cimmino to exploit their work implicating PRMT5 in regulating homologous recombination, RNA splicing and p53 function. Maria Figueroa has extensively studied predictors of the clinical response to DNA hypomethylating agents (HMA) and has identified critical mediators of HMA resistance originating in the BMME. She will work with Ross Levine, a leader in delineating the molecular pathogenesis of hematologic malignancies, to evaluate how signals from the BMME impact the responsiveness of MDS and CMML cells to HMA combinations as well as how to overcome primary resistance to HMA by targeting key signals in the niche.
Three Cores will enable the efficient completion of our collaborative studies. Core A, the Administrative Core, will be housed at UM; it will provide infrastructure support, to optimize interactions between the various labs represented here, handle all financial and reporting aspects of the grant, assist with the SCOR site visit and the annual meeting of the Center, and maintain regulatory compliance for the Center (e.g. assuring access to bio-specimens, handling IRB and IACUC approvals, etc.). Both UM and MSKCC continue to collect MDS/AML/MPN bio-specimens. Core B, the Epigenomics Core, led by Sion Williams and Lluis Morey, will perform various NGS-based assays to assess genome-wide changes in gene expression, DNA methylation, and histone post-translational modifications. Core C, the Bioinformatics and Big Data Core, led by Stephan Schürer, will provide bioinformatics support and ensure complete and efficient sharing of data for all three projects in the SCOR.
We have assembled a highly collaborative team of investigators, dedicated to understanding how cancerous blood cells maintain their identity as cancer cells and the patterns of gene expression that allow them to grow uncontrollably and resist current treatments. The “epigenetic machinery” in our cells controls this maintenance of identity, and recent advances suggest that “epigenetic-focused” therapies may finally enable effective treatment for myeloid malignancies. The individual projects in our Center, cover three key aspects of gene regulation, including studies of chromatin structure, which dictate cell behavior. The first two projects are focused on enzymes, which catalyze certain reactions in the cell, and can be inhibited using small molecule drugs. Project 1 is focused on the LSD1 demethylase enzyme, which plays a role in how myeloid cells differentiate, and can be manipulated to treat blood cancer. Project 2 is focused on the role of the PRMT5 enzyme in regulating the growth and behavior of leukemia stem cells; this includes the ability of the immune system to recognize the cancer cells. Lastly, Project 3 is focused on the interaction between the bone marrow environment where malignant blood cells live and the cells’ epigenetic profile, as this can determine the sensitivity of the malignant cells to epigenetic-focused therapy. Thus, our center will span the continuum, from basic mechanisms of disease initiation and progression, to clinical issues related to therapeutic sensitivity vs. resistance.