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Sheng Li, PhD

Los Angeles, CA
United States

University of Southern California

Dr. Sheng Li is an Associate Professor at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) and a member of its NCI-designated Cancer Center. She received her PhD in Computational Biology from Cornell University in 2014 on epigenome dynamics of leukemia relapse. She then worked as an Instructor of Bioinformatics at Weill Cornell Medicine. She started as an Assistant Professor leading her independent research program at JAX in 2016, being promoted to Associate Professor in July 2021. Dr. Li leads a research program focusing on the impact of somatic mutations and aging on blood cancer initiation by identifying critical epigenetic aberrations in the chromosomes that disrupt gene expression regulating hematopoiesis. She leverages multi-omics and integrative data mining to study how age-related inflammation shapes the evolutionary trajectories of mutant hematopoietic stem cells in leukemogenesis. The long-term goal is to identify novel therapeutics to mitigate leukemogenesis and extend human health span.

Program Name(s)
Career Development Program
Dr. Li