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Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD

Columbus, OH
United States

The Ohio State University

Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor and physician-scientist whose research focuses on acute myeloid leukemia genetics, as well as age-, gender- and race-associated differences in mutational landscape and prognostic significance of molecular markers. Her studies aim to identify prognostic factors and lead to refinements of disease classification and molecular subtypes, to enable personalized risk-stratification and treatment options. Dr. Eisfeld serves as director of the Clara D. Bloomfield Center for Leukemia Outcomes Research at The Ohio State University, which leads large-scale AML correlative studies directed at discovering associations between patient outcomes, genetic/genomic features, and clinical/demographic characteristics. The Center is dedicated to the long-term friend and mentor of countless Leukemia researchers and clinicians, Clara Bloomfield, and was established in 2020 to carry on her legacy of molecular prognostic association studies in AML and other hematologic malignancies.

Program Name(s)
Translational Research Program
Dr. Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld