Honored Hero Program - Gateway
What is our Honored Hero Program all about?
An Honored Hero is someone who provides inspiration and support for the fundraising programs of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. An Honred Hero is anyone who is being treated for, or is a survivor of, leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease or myeloma.
As an Honored Hero, you will be asked to share your strength and courage with the people who are currently raising funds to support LLS's mission. These people will be conducting their fundraising efforts in your honor. You can provide them with the inspiration they need to be successful in their endeavors.
Honored Heroes can be as active and involved with our programs as they are able. You will be invited to attend several events throughout the year to meet the people who are fundraising in your honor. We encourage all of our Heroes to attend as many events and meet as many of our volunteer fundraisers as possible. Heroes are also encouraged to write letters, send emails or call the people who are fundriaisng for LLS to provide encouragement and share appreciation. Honored Heroes may also choose to become involved with our Patient Services programs.
As an Honored Hero, you will gain a community of new friends who are helping to find a cure for blood cancers.