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Respite and Camp Services

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Population Served:

Everyone in the U.S. (check the website for availability in your area)


2-1-1 is the telephone number of a call center that offers information and provides referrals to health and human services for everyday needs and in times of crisis. Examples of service referrals include:

  • Basic human need resources: food banks, clothing, shelters, rent assistance and utility assistance
  • Physical and mental health resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, counseling, drug, and alcohol intervention
  • Employment support: unemployment benefits, financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance and education programs
  • Support for older adults and persons with disabilities: home healthcare, adult daycare, congregate meals, Meals on Wheels, respite care, transportation, and homemaker services
  • Support for children, youth, and families: childcare, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring and protective services

A Kid Again

Contact: Website, or 614-797-9500
Population Served:

Families with kids facing a life-threatening medical condition in the United States. 


To provide year-round free fun-filled adventures that allows children with life-threatening conditions to feel like A Kid Again.

  • Provides a community of other families navigating life while raising a medically complex child with in-person adventures arranged by local chapters
  • Coordinates chats groups during virtual adventures, gaming teams in ESports, and Facebook groups
  • Sends “Adventures in a Box” a program that delivers a box packed full of activities you can do together as a family.

ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center (ARCH)

Contact: 703-256-2084
Population Served:

Patients and caregivers in the U.S. needing assistance in finding respite care in their community


To assist and promote the development of quality respite and crisis care programs in the U.S.; to help families locate respite and crisis care services in their communities; and to serve as a strong voice for respite in all forums

  • Offers a website tool, National Respite Locator, to help caregivers and professionals locate respite services in their community
  • Offers A Consumer’s Guide for Family Caregivers with information and guidance regarding the various types of respite care and where they are found.

Camp Kesem

Contact: 260-225-3736
Population Served:

Children ages 6 to 16 who have a parent either in remission from cancer, currently battling cancer, or that have a parent that has passed away from cancer in the U.S.


To provide children affected by a parent’s cancer with a supportive, lifelong camp community that recognizes and understands their unique needs; in addition, to empower college students to make a difference and build invaluable leadership skills by developing and managing every aspect of their Camp Kesem chapter.

  • Provides a free week of summer camp as well as opportunities to get together throughout the year with the Camp Kesem local communities we create.

Camp Mak-A-Dream

Contact: 406-549-5987
Population Served:

To provide a medically supervised, cost-free Montana experience in an intimate, community setting to children, young adults and families affected by cancer. • Offers ten camping programs throughout the year to children, teens, young adults and women with cancer, as well as programs for children who have a sibling or a parent with cancer • Provides onsite speakers that address a number of topics such as grief and loss, relationships, employment, etc.

Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake

Contact: 207-655-3800
Population Served:

Children 0 to 18 years with life-threatening illnesses and their families


To provide retreats combining respite, recreation and support, while enabling hope and promoting joy, for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families through the various stages of a child’s illness.

  • Offers programs year-round and free of charge to families.  Includes on-site medical and psychosocial support.  A summer session is available for families of children with cancer who speak Spanish.  Bereavement sessions are also offered for families who have experienced the death of a child from a supported illness.


Contact: 800-813-4673
Population Served:

Individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved in the U.S. affected by a cancer diagnosis


To provide free, professional support services to individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved to help them cope with and manage the emotional and practical challenges of cancer. (English and Spanish)

  • Professional resource navigators and oncology social workers are available to provide telephone resource navigation to people living with cancer, post treatment survivors, and caregivers affected by cancer.
  • Offers short term counseling to residents of NY and NJ. 
  • Offers online support groups, educational programs, and local community support programs.
  • Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp - a free retreat for families with children coping with the loss of a loved one to cancer
  • Financial assistance for transportation, home care, childcare, pet care (through PAW program), or medication/durable medical equipment may be available for patients in active treatment. Eligibility guidelines vary depending on diagnosis, gender, and geographic location. 
  • Financial assistance for insured cancer patients in treatment in the US to help with co-payments for chemotherapy and targeted treatment medications who meet certain financial, medical and insurance eligibility criteria. Check the website for funding availability ( or call 866-552-6729 for details.

Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation for Young Adults

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Adolescent and young adult cancer patients and survivors


To guide young adults with cancer to social support programs and services that can help them manage their mental healing as well as their physical battle.

  • Survivorship program in Northern Michigan consists of 6 days of adventure-based learning at no cost
  • Travel Assistance for young adults to attend an approved survivorship program in the US
  • Annual Base2Summit Scholarship for a Michigan resident who is accepted to an accredited school of higher learning; see website for details
  • Lists a variety of survivorship resources related to support, finances, legal, etc.

Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer

Contact: Website or 214-361-2600
Population Served:

Terminally ill children throughout the United States, diagnosed with cancer and in the late stages of their illness, who qualify as low income or financially needy PRIOR to diagnosis, are 18 years old or younger (however, if child is 21 or younger and was diagnosed with their cancer before turning 18 and is still being treated in a pediatric facility, the patient may still qualify), and the application must be submitted by the referring hospital or hospice are team.


Provides anonymous assistance to financially struggling families throughout the country with children in the final stages of terminal cancer, allowing them to create everlasting memories with their child.  Provides direct financial assistance depending on the needs of the child/family.

Dear Jack Foundation

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Young adult cancer patients and survivors in the US


To provide impactful programming benefiting adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer; to improve quality of life; to create positive health outcomes from treatment to survivorship.

  • Breathe Now program is a yoga retreat for survivors ages 21 to 39 years (1 to 3 years from active treatment) and their partners (who were with them during treatment).  Includes healthy eating and sessions with a social worker to help couples get back to a balanced relationship and away from being patient and caregiver.
  • LifeList program is for 18-39 year old patients, currently undergoing treatment for a difficult cancer diagnosis, to make a wish list of positive activities, items and/or adventures.  Includes the opportunity to connect with others who have experienced similar journeys. 

Epic Experience

Contact: 855-650-9907
Population Served:

Anyone over the age of 18 who has been diagnosed with cancer in the US or Canada


To empower adult cancer thrivers and survivors to live beyond cancer

  • Offers free week-long outdoor adventure camps in Colorado for adults who were diagnosed with cancer at any time in their lives. 
  • Offers regional meetups across the country.
  • Offers virtual exercise classes for cancer survivors available on the website.

First Descents

Contact: Website or 303-945-2490
Population Served:

Young adult cancer survivors and caregivers between the ages of 18 to 45


To provide free, life-changing outdoor adventures for young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions.

  • Offers various levels of adventure programs such as whitewater kayaking, rock climbing or surfing. All food, lodging, gear and instruction are included with the activity.  Travel scholarships may be available.


Happiness is Camping

Contact: Website or (908) 362-6733
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their siblings, ages 6 to 17


To provide children with cancer and their siblings a traditional residential camp experience together with sophisticated medical care for campers both on and off treatment.

  • Offers several programs including a free week-long summer camp in New Jersey, plus family camp, counselor/mentorship program for campers and siblings.  
  • Child must be insured and the physician must verify the child is well enough to attend. Call for more details.

Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

Contact: Website or 860-429-3444
Population Served:

Children and young adults with a serious illness (ages 5-25) and their families


To ensure that every child with a serious medical condition has the chance to experience the world of possibilities that camp has to offer; to provide a unique healing experience to kids in need and their families.

  • Dedicated to providing “a different kind of healing” to seriously ill children and their families throughout the Northeast, free of charge. Special programs for each age group.
  • Priority to campers living in the Northeast, but open to out-of-state applicants.

Inheritance of Hope

Contact: Website or (914) 213-8435
Population Served:

Young families with children 18 or under, facing the loss of a parent to a life-threatening illness or living with loss


To inspire hope in young families facing the loss of a parent

  • Offers online weekly support groups (Hope@Home) for all ages, whether living with illness or life after loss.
  • Offers local monthly in-person gatherings (Hope Hub) in various locations throughout the country.
  • Offers in-person retreats (Legacy Retreats) in various locations throughout the country.
  • Offers assisted creation of a Legacy Video for terminally ill parents to leave messages for loved ones.

National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. (NORD)

Contact: 800-999-6673
Population Served:

Patients in the U.S. with rare diseases


NORD is leading the fight to improve the lives of rare disease patients and families. We do this by supporting the rare community – its people and organizations – and by working together to accelerate research, raise awareness, provide direct assistance and drive public policy.

  • Administers Patient Assistance Programs to help patients obtain life-saving or life-sustaining medication they could not otherwise afford
  • The Patient Information Center provides information on thousands of rare disorders and resources
  • The Rare Caregiver Respite Program offers limited financial assistance to eligible caregivers so that they can take a break from caregiver responsibilities
  • Hosts regional and national meetings for patients and families
  • Works collaboratively with a growing roster of member organizations.

Special Days Camps

Contact: (866) 448-4710
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their siblings, ages 5 to 17.


To provide a safe and memorable camping opportunity in a medically-supervised environment for children who have experienced cancer and their siblings, servicing the entire family. Special Days Camps is the second longest running oncology camp in the world.

  • Offers traditional camping activities, adapted to meet the special needs of campers. Special programming provided separately for children with cancer and their siblings. Located in the state of Michigan, but open to residents across the United States.

Special Love, Inc.

Population Served:

Children and young adults with cancer, ages birth to 30 years old, and their families


Special Love provides a strong, nurturing environment for children with cancer and their families through its free camps and getaway weekends, emergency financial assistance, virtual programs, and educational scholarships for young adults who have beaten cancer and now want to move on with their lives.

  • Offers various camp and family fun programs, open to patients, siblings (including bereaved siblings), and families nationally. Programs are offered in the in the broader Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area and virtually.
  • Offers college scholarships to survivors and siblings who have participated in Special Love programming.
  • Offers local financial assistance to families in the Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C. area. 

Sunrise Association

Contact: Website or 516-634-4144
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their siblings age 3 ½ - 16


To bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide. Sunrise accomplishes this through the creation and oversight of welcoming, inclusive summer day camps, year-round programs and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free of charge.

  • Free day camps in multiple locations throughout the United States and Israel
  • Free virtual Sunshine Day Camp program available to hospitalized pediatric cancer patients regardless of location
  • In-hospital recreational programs in certain partner hospitals in the United States and Israel
  • Video entertainment series focused on travel and exploration - Wheels Up! 

Well Spouse Association

Contact: 732-577-8899
Population Served:

Caregivers, professionals, general public


To advocate for and address the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse/partner. We offer peer to peer support and educate health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues "well" spouses face every day.

  • Coordinates national network of support groups, hosts website, provides publications, holds conferences, and organizes respite weekends for caregivers.