Inspirational Stories
chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
My blood cancer story began in 2015 with a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). It was scary, and there were so many unknowns. Today it’s 9½ years later, and I know a few more things about blood cancers.
First, today my cancer is undetectable! But as my doctors have told me, it’s chronic, so I’ll always have to be proactive and take medication.
The first drug approved for CML was Gleevec – it was the only drug available when I was diagnosed – and the first ever approved by the FDA for blood cancer treatment. It was an industry game-changer. And you know what else? Today it’s one of Novartis’ major success stories because Gleevec, like 40% of other blood cancer treatments, is used to treat other cancers and gastro-intestinal diseases as well.
Here’s what else I know, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has been there for me and my family with support and resources to help guide us through the tough times. And they are there on the research front every day. Over the last seven years, LLS has helped advance three out of four blood cancer treatments approved by the FDA. LLS has been helping find cures and treatments for blood cancers since 1949, so they know what they’re doing. Seventy-eight cents of every dollar donated goes to research, advocacy, and patient care. And there is still much to do because approximately every 30 minutes someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with blood cancer.
For all of us impacted by blood cancer, the research continues, and new drugs are being tested. Today, there are six approved drugs for treating CML with more in clinical trials. None of it would be possible without LLS’s commitment to research and survivor, caregiver, and family support.
Here’s the thing, Leukemia is cancer. And cancer treatment can be extremely hard for patients for many reasons. I’m one of the LLS First Connection volunteers, and each time I’m connected with someone, I realize how important information, communication, and more research for a cure is for all of us.