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Inspirational Stories


diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

I was diagnosed with stage 3 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), back in June of 2012. I went through six rounds of R-CHOP and fortunately didn't have many side effects at all. I stayed positive and as active as can be ― and went into remission later that same year.

Going through this experience was actually the best thing that ever happened to me. It gave me a new perspective about appreciating the simple things in life and also gave me a stronger sense of empathy toward others. As a screenwriter, it made me want to inspire others with my own story and in the stories I tell. It also made me fearless in a good way, both personally and professionally. The small things just don't bother me anymore, and I'm much happier and less anxious for it.

I'm also pleased to say that, post-cancer, I sold four original screenplays that were all produced and released (since 2020), and my newest screenplay entitled SESSIONS is already set up with a producer. It was inspired by my bout with cancer, and I know it will inspire and touch many cancer patients, survivors, and more. And that's what it's all about ― taking the positive from any experience, including cancer, and turning that pain into purpose.

older white man with bushy eyebrows and a mustache wearing a black hoodie that says Italia standing in front of a movie poster