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acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


In March 2022, I began experiencing unusual symptoms of fatigue, nausea, persistent infections, and bloody noses and gums, but I didn’t think much of it. Following a lucky-timed appointment with my primary care doctor and multiple blood tests, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Cancer isn’t something an otherwise “healthy” 27-year-old thinks will come out of a doctor’s mouth.

Dustin acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)


December 3, 2016, was the date that I was supposed to get married to KT. It was a Saturday. We had that date set for over a year, but there was no wedding—we canceled it the Tuesday before. KT informed most of our guests with an explanatory text: “So, I have some unfortunate news. We’re going to have to call off the wedding this weekend. Dust got cold feet…and leukemia.”

Lowering High White Blood Cell Counts

Some patients may have very high white blood cell (WBC) counts at the time of diagnosis. These elevated WBC counts can sometimes impair blood flow to the brain, lungs, eyes and other sites, and also cause damage in small blood vessels.


Immunotherapy is a drug therapy that stimulates the immune system. Interferon, a type of immunotherapy, is a substance made naturally by the immune system, but it can also be made in the laboratory. Interferon reduces the growth and division of cancer cells.

Relapsed and Refractory

Relapsed CLL is the term for disease that returns after it has been in remission for more than six months. 

Refractory disease is the term for CLL that does not result in remission after initial therapy. 

Signs and Symptoms

MF usually develops slowly. MF often does not cause early symptoms and may be found during a routine blood test. When fibrosis develops in the bone marrow, the bone marrow is unable to produce enough normal blood cells. The lack of blood cells causes many of the signs and symptoms of MF. These include:

Signs and Symptoms

Polycythemia vera (PV) develops slowly, and it may not cause symptoms for many years. The condition is often diagnosed during a routine blood test before severe symptoms occur. 

Symptoms may include:

MDS Subtypes

There are several kinds (subtypes) of MDS. The subtype is determined from the results of the blood and bone marrow tests.

WHO Classification

The current WHO classification guidelines identify six subtypes.The current WHO classification guidelines, which were updated in 2022, groups MDS based on genetic abnormalities and morphologically defined features (the appearance and number of the cells under a microscope).

The subtypes are determined by the following:

Options for Sperm Preservation

You may be able to take certain steps and precautions to preserve fertility before, during and after treatment. 


Generic name Procarbazine Pronunciation  proh-KAR-ba-zeen Brand name(s), other common name(s) Matulane® Drug type   DNA-damaging agent How the drug is given By mouth Indications and Usage

Procarbazine is FDA approved with other anticancer drugs for the treatment of stage III and IV Hodgkin lymphoma. Procarbazine is used as part of the MOPP (mechlorethamine, Oncovin® [vincristine], procarbazine, prednisone) regimen.

Relapsed and Refractory

Some patients still have leukemia cells in their bone marrow after hairy cell leukemia treatment. This is called refractory leukemia. Some patients have a return of leukemia cells in the marrow and a decrease in normal blood cells after remission. This is called a relapse.

Drug therapy that can be used to treat relapsed or refractory HCL includes:

Side Effects

The main goal of treatment for myeloma is to get rid of myeloma cells. The term side effect is used to describe how treatment affects healthy cells. Patients react to treatments in different ways. Sometimes there are very mild side effects. Other side effects may be serious and last a long time.

Myeloma patients should talk with their doctors about side effects before they begin any type of treatment. There are drugs and other therapies can prevent or manage many side effects.

Monica Sithole


I am currently 23 years of age and I’m from South Africa.  This is my story of my journey with Hodgkin lymphoma. This is a story of hope, a story of victory and a story meant to inspire those affected to keep holding on.  Towards late October of 2019, I noticed a bump protruding on my chest. It was a very hard and rigid bump which didn’t move. I was still in university completing my post-graduate diploma in accounting, so I didn’t think too much about it, my main stress was to complete my degree.

two older men wearing ball caps with a woman wearing glasses and dangly earrings holding a bouquet of flowers and their mom on the right and an American flag in the background


My wife left me after 33½ years of marriage (37½ including dating) and 2½ years into my remission. I read stories about a spouse, usually a male for some reason, who up and left his partner either during active treatment or when everything looked like the patient, the person, would live, but I never thought any of that would happen to me, and it sure as heck did. She fell out of love with me, with caring for me, with helping me. I may have been an ass, but I wasn't an asshole ― you know what I mean? She probably feels she didn't deserve any of this either, but . . .

ALL Subtypes

The subtypes of ALL are identified based on certain features of the leukemia cells. Determining the ALL subtype is an important factor in treatment planning. The doctor will discuss with you which drug combinations are indicated based on your child’s ALL subtype.

Leukemia cells can be classified by the unique set of proteins found on their surface. These unique sets of proteins are known as “immunophenotypes.” Based on immunophenotyping of the leukemia cell, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies ALL into two main subtypes.

Coping With Cancer

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, everyone in his or her family is affected. This holds especially true when a child has cancer. Different families have different ways of coping, but there are some sound strategies that anyone can employ. For useful tools and tips that may help, see the following pages:



My three kids are my precious jewels, the reason I get up every morning. As a single parent, providing a good life for them is what fuels my drive to succeed. Little did I know that need to care for them would end up saving my life.



I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1998 at the age of 38. My participation in a clinical trial included a stem cell transplant, five chemotherapy sessions, and full-body radiation treatments. I am an advocate for participation in clinical trials, which paves the way for new treatments or prevention methods. Although it was a rough experience, the responsibility of being a single mom kept me going. My inspiration for surviving was my son Brian who was 12 years old at the time. He was born with microcephaly (small brain) which made him totally dependent for all his needs.



In May of 2020, shortly after the first lockdown for COVID-19, I noticed a small lump on the side of my neck. Living in Southern Indiana during the spring, I usually get allergies from the fields, so I thought I just had a swollen lymph node from that. Considering I was only 15 at the time, the last thing that ever crossed my mind was the possibility of cancer. But after a month, the lymph node had yet to go down and had done the opposite. It slowly progressed and eventually moved to the other side of my neck.



In July of 2009, I was diagnosed with small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) after a biopsy of the lymph nodes in my neck. Of course, I did what everyone says not to do. I went online to read about it. I read there was no cure, and the average lifespan after diagnosis was 10 years. I was 57 at the time, and all I could think was that’s not long enough. I don’t even have grandchildren yet!



Most importantly, the doctors, nurses, and researchers are true angles; wouldn’t be here without them. Dedicating their lives to saving others’, I am forever thankful. Not to mention the secretaries, volunteers, and administrators who are the lubrication to the operation, thank God.

It has been a while, but here’s the summary: Diagnosed with ALL in Oct. of 1986, remission shortly after in Dec. of 1986, then 2.5 years of chemotherapy and a few weeks of radiation therapy. It all changed my life... for the better.



Hello, my name is Nikolas Davison. I am 14 years old (almost 15 in July) and have battled acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for the past four years, but I am now done with chemo and getting my port removed soon.

In November 2016, I was misdiagnosed with appendicitis and was taken to the hospital by my father, where they took my blood and ran several tests. This was a painful experience to go through and I was very scared. After more tests, they knew that I had cancer. I was shocked, scared and horrified. I never thought in a million years that I would get cancer.



My dad, my best friend, lost his short 15-day battle with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) on January 23, 2008. Dad was 72, but not just any 72-year-old man. He had so much life in him. He was very active in his community and loved his wife (they were married for 44 years), his daughters (my sister and I), and especially his three grandchildren!  He lived every moment to the fullest and you knew he enjoyed life just by listening to his infectious laugh! He always had a smile on his face, a story to share, and those always needed words of wisdom to share.



At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma. The doctors only gave me a 25 percent chance to live. I still remember the day I walked into the ER with my mom to get my CT scan done. Post exam, the doctor muttered,“You have cancer, but don’t worry just yet. The test tomorrow will let us know more.” Before I knew it, the next day, I found myself staring at the operating room ceiling, numb to the thought that it was all too real. Hours of surgery later, we found out the cancer had spread through my neck, entire chest and lungs.



Hi!  My name is Campbell Brandt.  I am 9 years old and a student at Spring Run Elementary School in Chesterfield County, Virginia.  I love to dance, play softball, ride my scooter, sing karaoke, listen to music and watch the Disney channel.  I like to dance and sing to Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood.  I am a pretty typical 9-year-old girl, except that I have fought cancer.