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Allison LTN


Spring Break of my second year of medical school marked the beginning of an unexpected chapter in my life. What I had initially brushed off as the flu led me to the emergency room, only to discover that I had acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). At 24, the trajectory of my life drastically shifted, steering me away from my aspirations of orthopedic surgery towards a path I could have never foreseen.

Elissa breast cancer


Ten years ago, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). She has since been deemed cured and has had no recurrence since her successful treatment. Some of her medicines were funded by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). We spent years racing for Team In Training (TNT) to fundraise for LLS. 

Young woman with bald head in purple sweatshirt diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (DLBCL)


On September 13, 2023, I found out I was four weeks pregnant with our second child. On October 24, I found out it was a girl; Nellie would be her name. November came, and my symptoms started with what was discomfort/pain in my right arm, neck, and shoulder. Initially, I thought I slept wrong, and also pregnancy does weird things to the body. Then my arm became very swollen and completely discolored, dark red to purple and even blue. Being a pediatric nurse practitioner, I did some research and came across Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. I messaged my OB who agreed that it might be just that.

stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)


When I was 17, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). 

In January 2022, my dad sat me down and told me he had cancer, penile cancer, and he told me he would have to have multiple surgeries to get it removed. The next week my dad sat me down, yet again, and told me my grandfather, his dad, had cancer, prostate cancer. I felt completely overwhelmed at this time. Cancer had never been a thing I had to worry about or something I really knew much about. 

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, also known as “radiotherapy,” uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells in a small, targeted area of the body. Since radiation can also harm normal cells, whenever possible, radiation therapy is directed only at the affected lymph node areas in order to reduce the long-term side effects.



I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in February 2014. My journey with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) began one year later when I signed up to participate in my first-ever Light The Night Walk and put together a fundraising team.

The event was amazing and all my family and friends were there to show support. When the blood cancer survivors moved to the middle of the survivor circle to light up their lanterns, it was one of the most powerful moments I’ve ever experienced.



May of 2017, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma following my 19th birthday. The news of cancer shook my reality as I’d just began establishing my life. I was forced to give up my independence and lean on my community.

After six months of treatment I showed no evidence of disease. On a follow-up post treatment there was spots present of growth and I had a few more rounds of chemo added. Almost a year had gone without signs of cancer, but symptoms were appearing.


I was diagnosed last November with aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma. I had two tumors. One on my heart muscle and one near my lung. I went through treatments at UVM Medical Center in Burlington, Vermont and just finished chemotherapy this month.



In May 2011, when Kimberly Schuetz was starting to plan her son Austin’s third birthday, he was diagnosed with a high-risk form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Austin was immediately placed on a chemotherapy regimen. However, when a routine blood test revealed that he relapsed in October 2012, their only option was a bone marrow transplant to save his life. After that transplant, his cancer came back for the third time in May 2013.



In October 2016, at the age of 21, I was diagnosed with primary mediastinal large B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma. After a few weeks of chest pains, finding a lump on my chest which led to many tests, I was admitted to Cincinnati Children's Hospital where I received treatment.



Brian Shaw (a.k.a. “Little Man”) is an energetic, happy, intelligent and compassionate six-year-old boy. For nearly a year, starting when he was four, several of those characteristics seemed submerged beneath the side effects of daily chemotherapy that followed his diagnosis with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Though his treatments continue (3-1/2 years in total), the side effects have alleviated somewhat and Brian is getting back to his normal self, attending school, etc.

 Waldenström macroglobulinemia Survivor


Phil is known for having the time of his life making music or dancing, so when he was diagnosed with Waldenström macroglobulinemia four years ago, after a routine physical revealed he had a high protein count, he knew that he had to not worry and keep dancing. It's worked so far, after one treatment with Rituxan, and aside from feeling fatigued he's been well for more than three years.



"I am a chronic leukemia-fighting mother of 4 boys and wife. In 2009, I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia. The diagnosis came after having multiple cerebellar strokes caused by a certebral artery dissection and a platelet count of 1.5 million, which is more than 3 times the normal limit. I immediately was told that I would start oral chemo called Hydrea which I would remain on indefinitely or until a cure was found.



I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at three years old. I experienced two and a half years of chemotherapy, lumbar punctures, blood transfusions, hair loss, and surgery. Since then, I have not wasted a single day. I live each day to the fullest, remembering a time when my future was unsure. I want to make the most of my second chance by striving to achieve what may seem like a challenge. My goal is to become a psychologist and specialize in the behavioral and cognitive development of children. I want to continue to be a part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


When I was just under two years old, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). My brother was born just a few days later, and it became an extremely difficult time for my family. Because I was so young, I do not remember most of my treatments that lasted until I was almost five years old. The closest place for treatment was Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, which was a three-hour drive away. Weekend trips to KC became normal, which meant lots of gas money and fast food.

mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)


This may be the most vulnerable thing I’ve ever shared. I tend to not like to share too much of my personal life on social media. I am a businesswoman, so a few pictures of my kids, family, or vacations are usually the extent of what I put out there. But if what I’m about to say here about my story helps even one person listen to their gut or body, then I am proud to have helped. Please take a few minutes to read this.

Asistencia Financiera Local

Nuestros programas actualmente están experimentando volúmenes de llamadas, reclamos y envío de solicitudes superiores a lo normal. Nuestra prioridad número uno es brindar apoyo oportuno a nuestros pacientes, cuidadores, farmacias y proveedores de atención médica que buscan asistencia financiera. Estamos trabajando lo más rápido posible para atender todas las solicitudes pendientes.


Life is such a blessing. Sometimes we think that there’s no way out, we limit ourselves, or we simply think to give up. Truth is, like we say in my family, “Solo hay que estar vivo para ver cosa,” or “You only have to be alive to witness things.”

My parents are first-generation immigrants from the Dominican Republic. I am a cancer survivor.



Michele decided she wanted to volunteer with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) because she herself and millions of others have been impacted by cancer. Both of Michele’s parents passed away from cancer and during that time, a lot of people were there for them. She knows how important that was for her and her family.



My daughter Ariana is a cancer survivor of stage 3 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). When she was 13, she was diagnosed. After all the hospital and doctor visits, they finally found the tumors inside her body.  



I was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in December of 2020. I went through six treatments from January 2021 to June 2021. The treatments were a series of shots for seven days at the beginning of the month. In July 2021, I was approved for my stem cell transplant at The James Cancer Center, The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. I had my stem cell transplant on July 29. I handled the stem cell transplant very well and was declared in complete remission from the months of September to November 2021.



I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in May of 2019. I first noticed something was wrong in January of that year when I noticed lumps in my neck. I shrugged it off, being in college at that time. I progressively got worse, getting sick nearly every day, sweating profusely at night, and losing weight quickly. The tipping point was when I got home from college after the spring semester. I had lost 50 pounds at that point, and my parents quickly took notice and forced me to go to the doctor.


When I was 25 years old, I started my new, dream job as a health and physical education teacher. Six days into the school year, I went for a CT scan after months of complications with my breathing. I got the results later that day while I was on my lunch break.

The doctors had found a 10.5 cm tumor sitting in my chest and just millimeters away from cutting off blood circulation to my brain. I was told to rush to the ER but not to panic. Well of course I panicked, and left work in shock. I went to Rhode Island Hospital and was immediately admitted.