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Genomics of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma: pervasive role of super-enhancer hypermutation in dysregulating oncogene expression

We recently identified a pervasive, pathogenically relevant mutational mechanism that targets super-enhancers (SE) in DLBCL, leading to target gene deregulation. Here we will dissect the mechanistic role of 3 highly recurrent hotspots in the BCL6, BTG2 and CXCR4 SEs in driving lymphomagenesis and tumor dependency in vitro and in vivo using novel mouse models. These studies will significantly transform our understanding of DLBCL and identify novel therapeutic targets.
Holding Hands Image

Top Mental Health Resources For Blood Cancer Patients & Caregivers

From physical symptoms of blood cancer itself to treatments and their side effects, the experience puts a patient’s body through a lot. But how does cancer affect you emotionally? 

Bottom line: Learning that you or someone you love has a serious illness is scary. 

It reaches beyond blood tests: You might feel hopeless, irritable, or lose interest in things you once enjoyed. That’s why taking care of your mind, just as much as your body, is crucial when you’re facing blood cancer.  

Fighting Cancer Together: LLS and West Marine Kick off Annual Paper Sailboat Campaign


For the third consecutive year, during Blood Cancer Awareness Month, nearly 250 West Marine stores across the country are teaming up with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Leukemia Cup Regatta, to raise awareness for the urgent need to fund research to advance cancer cures. From September 1-30, West Marine customers can donate to LLS by purchasing a paper sailboat they can add their name to and display in the store where the donation was made. 100% of the proceeds will go LLS to help support the fight against cancer.

Attention Hockey Fans: LLS and The National Hockey League Fight Cancer Together

LLS is teaming up with the National Hockey League (NHL®) and the National Hockey League Players’ Association’s (NHLPA) joint initiative, Hockey Fights Cancer™ annual campaign. This is LLS’s seventh season participating in HFC. The 18th annual Hockey Fights Cancer campaign kicks off on October 24 and runs until November 18.

Cayden holds his stuffed animal.

We Dare to Dream so Their Dreams Come True

Did you know that blood cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis for children, accounting for 40% of pediatric cancer cases? In fact, nearly 55,000 children and adolescents in the United States currently have blood cancer or are in remission from blood cancer.  

Cancer and Sun Safety: What You Need to Know

Summer is in full swing, and many of us are enjoying outdoor activities and lots of time in the sun. For cancer patients, being mindful of sun exposure before, during and after cancer treatment is extremely important.

According to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Information Specialists, a team of master’s level oncology social workers, nurses and health educators, sunlight has benefits, but it is important to protect yourself from too much sun exposure.

Thank You to Our Extraordinary LLS Volunteers

You may have driven an important project to the finish line or reached a new fundraising goal. Perhaps you comforted someone in need, greeted families with a warm smile or raised your voice to influence change. I hope we get the opportunity to meet one day (if we haven’t already), but until then: our heartfelt thanks go out to you, our incredible volunteers.

You are at the heart of our quest to find cancer cures, and our gratitude to you runs deep because you are truly the driving force behind our mission.

Cancer Won’t Stop Coach Marie

Thousands of runners will hit the streets of Chicago this weekend for the 2016 Chicago Marathon. Before they cross the start and finish lines, they will go through an intense training program to meet one of their most challenging goals: 26.2 miles.

As a coach for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT), Marie Jarrell of Chicago is the inspiring drumbeat for hundreds of Chicago marathon trainees every year, leading them down the path to fitness and providing them with inspiration along the way.