Just for Teens
When you’re a teenager with blood cancer, you’re faced with navigating school, friendships, and an illness that you didn’t expect. We see you and we’re here to help.
A Teen’s Guide to Everything Cancer
The ultimate teen guide to self-advocacy and self-care during and after treatment. Topics covered include:
- Navigating healthcare
- Managing side effects
- Caring for hair, skin, and nails
- School
- Mental health and body image
- Nutrition and movement
- Survivor stories
- Survivorship

This digital guide is a recipient of the Fall 2023 Digital Health Award.
More Free Stuff for Teens

Survivorship Workbook for Children and Adolescents
Working with a parent or caregiver, use this workbook to collect all the important information you need about your diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care, and long-term blood cancer management.

Did You Know…
LLS offers a scholarship for blood cancer survivors?
Eligible survivors receive up to $7,500 towards tuition for virtual or in-person, vocational or two- and four-year undergraduate college education.

LLS Coloring for Kids
This free app includes blank canvases, general coloring pages, and pages from the LLS coloring books Pictures of My Journey—Activities for Kids with Cancer and The Stem Cell Transplant Coloring Book.
This app can be used anywhere; try it to help pass the time in waiting rooms or during treatment. Available in the App Store and Google Play.
Online Support
Here, you’ll find tons of free online programs and support for teens and young adults with blood cancer:
Join an online community for people with blood cancer to connect and learn. (For people 16 and older, with permission from a parent or caregiver.)
Watch experts and survivors discuss topics such as the physical, emotional, and financial challenges faced by kids, teens, and young adults with blood cancer.
View our collection of videos about cancer survivorship in kids, teens, and young adults with blood cancer.
Listen to episodes of The Bloodline featuring interviews with patients, caregivers, advocates, doctors, and other healthcare professionals.
Download or order free copies of booklets that provide information and support.