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Inspirational Stories


primary mediastinal non-Hodgkin lymphoma (PMBL)

My name is Zoe. I am 23 years old, and I am currently on my way to remission from primary mediastinal non-Hodgkin lymphoma (PMBL). It was always my dream to be a young mom, and when I finally got pregnant, I could not have been happier. However, I got to 32 weeks pregnant, and I was severely out of breath. I went to the hospital which led me to finding out I had lymphoma. They found a 12 cm. mass in my chest. My whole life came crumbling down at that very moment. I had no symptoms of my cancer whatsoever, and doctors thought I had a 1% chance of having cancer. I was only breathless for two days which is what made me get checked.

Once my sweet daughter Ophelia was born safely in October, I could have all the necessary scans and biopsies done which led me to my diagnosis two days before Christmas. It took a total of 15 weeks from finding the mass in my chest to diagnosis which I am so happy about as I got to be a proper first-time mom for three months before starting treatment. I’ve had six rounds of RCHOP chemo, and I am left with a few specs of cancer left on my PET scan, so I am now going to have proton therapy. I’m feeling much better and recovered from chemo with no crazy long-lasting side effects! My hair is growing back which is exciting, and I’m mentally and physically ready to start proton therapy in a few weeks! I can’t wait to hear the words that I am cancer-free! I will be soon!